4660 Slater Rd Suite 220
Eagan, MN 55122



Vibrant Therapist Spotlight: Preparing for 2020

These final weeks of the year can feel so full, but it is also the time to set the stage for 2020.

With that in mind, this month I invited colleagues to share their responses to the following question:

What activities, tasks, routines are you focusing on right now in order to create space and energy to shine vibrantly in 2020?

Elizabeth Cush, LCPC from Progression Counseling  and the Woman Worriers podcast says;

“I plan to add more open space to my schedule. I want to use that time for more creative endeavors, like writing, my podcast and maybe putting together an online course.I’m realizing that when I don’t set aside the time for creativity I end up scheduling clients and then feel overwhelmed!”

Kerri-Anne Brown, LMHC from Healing With Wisdom says;

“I’ve been reflecting on my accomplishments both personally and professionally for this year. I started working on routines I want to establish in 2020 now because why put off for tomorrow what I can do today. Some of my tasks have been organizing my email inbox and unsubscribing from things I am no longer interested in, as well as setting up my calendar so I can be more intentional about the things I want and need to do instead of waiting for opportunities to do them.”

Amy Madson, LMFT FAMI says;

“I am focusing on giving myself more permission to write my own rules for 2020. This means I allow myself to show up as a mom, therapist, singer and runner because those are the things I love. Limiting myself or putting myself into boxes that don’t fit by focusing on only some of these aspects of myself feels easier or more conventional but it ultimately takes away from my vibrancy because it doesn’t let me show up in the world as my whole self. In order to make this happen in 2020,I need to have good help and delegate when it makes sense!”

Amy Garner, therapist, healer + teacher says; 

“Personally, I’m already slowing down by sleeping more + resting more, while tying up loose ends around the house so that I can completely switch off over the Solstice, Christmas and New Year. Professionally, it’s a similar process: wrapping activities up, taking stock, reviewing and reflecting. It’s so important for me to avoid commercial crush + create personal space in tune with the slowing pace of nature in the northern hemisphere…that I made a video about it.

And me?

I am personally finishing up a huge item of “unfinished business” that has been hanging over my head.   I’m working through my HIPAA risk assessment using the tools and information provided by Person Centered Tech.  I’m on track to have this done by the end of the year and can’t wait to focus that time and energy elsewhere.   

This is one of the strategies I teach my coaching clients; we want to look for and plug the energy leaks associated with unfinished business because they are also likely sucking our time and dollars, too.

How about you?

What activities, tasks, routines are you focusing on right now? How will these activities help you create space and energy to shine vibrantly in 2020? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below or email me at

Take Care,

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